Hello, my name is Marek Pełka and I'm a
front end developer
with a passion for the web & all things mobile.

Few words about me

I'm a self-taught front end developer. My goal is to deliver the best experience and quality for the users. That's why I always strive to stay on top of the current trends in front end engineering. I firmly believe that performance and mobile first approach matter the most. I enjoy building everything from small websites to sophisticated, responsive web apps, that look great on any screen.


During my career I've mastered HTML5, CSS3 and the arcane art of responsive web design. To optimize my workflow I use tools like SASS, Compass, Grunt.js, Bower and Vagrant on a daily basis. I like to use Twitter Bootstrap for fast prototyping. I always keep my code in a Git repository and I'm also familiar with SVN and Mercurial. Since I've learned Backbone.js and jQuery I've become much better JavaScript programmer. I test my code in Mocha and Chai. In the past I've dabbled in PHP, Ruby and MySQL. I've built quite a few websites in Drupal. I know enough about Photoshop to slice and dice PSDs and to create prototypes. In my spare time I'm learning about Node.js and MongoDB.


  • 2003–2006

    University of Warsaw, University College of English Language Teacher Education in Warsaw

    Bachelor's degree, specialization: English philology
  • 2003–2006

    Private Vocational School, School of Business Administration in Warsaw

    IT technician, specialization: multimedia and computer graphics


  • nov 2013 - present

    Mindpower Sp. z o.o.

    Front end developer
  • oct 2013 - nov 2013

    EUROZET Sp. z o.o.

    Web developer
  • aug 2012 – sep 2013

    Cheil Germany GmbH Sp. z o.o.

    Jr Frontend Developer
  • nov 2011 – jul 2012

    K2 Web Systems Sp. z o.o.

    Junior Web Developer

Things I've built

Left to right: new portal for Eurozet, portfolio site for Cheil, a landing page for Samsung, and a landing page for Polish Red Cross.